Our Services

What services do you offer?

What issues/challenges do you address?

What services does MindWeal not offer?

What age group does MindWeal serve?

Do you offer diagnostic evaluation services?

Do you offer medication prescriptions?

Do you offer therapy or counseling services?

Do you offer testing for ADHD and how is it of benefit? 

Do you offer executive functioning testing and how can it be beneficial?

Do you offer Autism testing?

Do you provide testing for learning disabilities?


What services do you offer?

At MindWeal, we offer a variety of services specifically designed for children and adolescents aged 4 to 18. Our services include comprehensive psychiatric evaluations, medication management and specialized testing for ADHD and executive functioning disorders. Although we currently do not provide psychotherapy or counseling services, we plan to offer them soon. In the meantime, following a thorough psychiatric evaluation, our providers will refer you to a local therapist who collaborates with us to ensure seamless care. A comprehensive Psychiatry evaluation is the first step in the mental wellness journey of your child, no matter what route you take for treatment (psychotherapy/counseling, medication or a combination of both).


What issues/challenges do you address?

MindWeal handles a broad range of children's mental health issues including behavioral and learning problems, mood disorders, depression, anxiety, OCD, autism, trauma and attachment disorders, psychosis, gender-related issues, eating disorders, and tics, among others. We don't address substance use disorder and conduct disorder. 


What services does MindWeal not offer?

MindWeal offers a broad variety of mental health services, but we don't cover everything. We don't provide intensive outpatient programs, partial or full inpatient hospitalization, residential treatment, or therapy specialized for substance use disorders or conduct disorders. 


What age group does MindWeal serve?

MindWeal accepts new patients aged 4-18 years. We also accept individuals over 18 as new patients if they're still in high school or below. We do not automatically discharge patients once they turn 18.  We continue to offer our services until the age of 24, provided they do not require specialized treatments of Adult Psychiatry that are beyond our scope, such as TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation), Ketamine treatment, or depot injections for medications. 


Do you offer diagnostic evaluation services?

Yes, at MindWeal, we provide comprehensive psychiatric evaluation services. Our board-certified providers conduct a thorough assessment of your child's emotional, cognitive, and behavioral functioning to ensure an accurate diagnosis. Working together collaboratively, the provider will create a tailored and effective treatment plan that addresses your child's specific needs. Our goal is to provide the best possible care for your child's mental health and well-being.


Do you offer medication prescriptions?

Yes, following a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation, if deemed necessary, our provider may recommend medication management. If medication is prescribed, you will have regular follow-ups with the provider. Experience the advantages of personalized prescriptions, expert administration, thorough monitoring, and ongoing communication with healthcare providers. Our prescribers also collaborate with your child's therapist if they are also receiving therapy. Our focus is on providing comprehensive care to optimize your child's well-being and treatment outcomes.


Do you offer therapy or counseling services?

While we currently do not offer psychotherapy or counseling services, we plan to introduce them soon. In the meantime, if therapy is recommended after a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation, our providers will refer you to a trusted local therapist who collaborates with us to ensure seamless and integrated care.


Do you offer testing for ADHD and how is it of benefit? 

Yes, we use advanced ADHD testing to objectively measure children's attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. The test uses hard data to improve the accuracy of our evaluations. It gives percentile scores by comparing your child's ADHD symptoms to those of peers of the same age and gender. This test is crucial as ADHD diagnosis can be complex due to inconsistent history and possible coexisting disorders with similar symptoms. Through this advanced testing, we can clearly diagnose and craft personalized treatment plans for your child, aligning with their unique challenges. A comprehensive report of the test results also aids in advocating for your child's needs at school and securing necessary accommodations. 


Before any ADHD testing, our provider must first conduct an initial clinical assessment. If the assessment deems it necessary, the provider will then refer your child for testing.


Do you offer executive functioning testing and how can it be beneficial?

Certainly, we offer executive functioning testing, an objective evaluation of cognitive abilities needed for tasks like planning, problem-solving, decision-making, self-control, and cognitive flexibility. This test offers a clear understanding of an individual's cognitive strengths and weaknesses. It's particularly useful when diagnosing Executive Functioning disorder, which can be complex due to inconsistencies in history and possible co-existing disorders with similar symptoms. Based on the results, we create tailored treatment plans for your child. This includes at-home computer training for 15 minutes, two to three times a week, aimed at enhancing cognitive abilities. A comprehensive report of the test results also aids in advocating for your child's needs at school and securing necessary accommodations. 


To commence executive functioning testing, our provider first needs to conduct an initial clinical evaluation. If deemed appropriate, your child will then be referred for testing.


Do you offer Autism testing?

Our comprehensive psychiatric evaluations assess all mental health conditions for children, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). If the clinical evaluation suggests a possible or likely diagnosis of autism, we will refer you for more extensive neuropsychological testing. Simultaneously, we will request that the school complete their assessment.

Please note that while the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder is clinical, neuropsychological testing is essential to secure appropriate accommodations and services at school, and to facilitate insurance approval for specialized therapies. It also helps identify any comorbid cognitive issues and may be necessary for a more accurate diagnosis if the clinical evaluation is inconclusive for autism.


Do you provide testing for learning disabilities?

We provide clinical evaluations to understand the possible causes of your child's learning issues. Learning difficulties may be linked to ADHD, anxiety, executive functioning deficits, and other mental health issues. For further clarification, we conduct ADHD testing and executive functioning testing, and recommend appropriate treatments based on the results. 

To assess your child's struggles in specific subjects, Achievement Testing is required. This test estimates your child's academic skills, particularly in reading, writing, and mathematics, in comparison to standard expectations. Please note that we do not conduct this specific testing, as it is typically provided by schools as part of a child's Individualized Education Program (IEP). If deemed necessary, we will request the school to conduct this testing as part of the IEP process.